Thank you

So yeah, it’s been awhile. Where have I been? What have I been up to? Do you even remember me anymore? When you get this email in your inbox, will you be all “Who the heck is Always Add More Butter again?” Maybe it’ll go right in the junk folder even and honestly, I wouldn’t blame your spam filter one bit. I’ve been out of the game for months but it truly feels like longer. This whole year actually feels eons longer than a year. If I take myself back to this time in 2012, things were just so different that it’s pretty hard to believe I’m the same person. Well, I am the same person but I’ve definitely gone through some changes. I’ve been thinking about writing again for months but it’s been extremely hard to get myself to the place where I feel like I can do that again. I’m not quite there yet really, but you’ve gotta start somewhere right? So this post is going to serve as my love letter to everyone this summer who helped me remember who I really am and helped me get to the place I am now. I am eternally grateful for the people and the place I had to turn to when I was most in need. I love you so much I could literally bust with it and now that I’ve left the nest, I think about you every day and am filled with both longing and well-being because of what you’ve given me.


Washington Island Ferry Line – For taking me to and fro and keeping me safe


Joy the Baker – For giving me something to do with butter and sugar and being 100% dependable whenever I needed you


Sunset Resort – For delicious and nostalgic breakfasts several times a week every week


Skers – For giving me a home and a porch and so much love and support that I could never even calculate it


My favorite boy – For growing up and still being my favorite boy who ever lived


Pogs – For loving me no matter what and being a fierce protector of my sanity


Karly’s Bar & Cellar Restaurant – For taking me in with no questions asked and giving me something to do every day


HY – For all the fun I had no idea I was going to have


Derek – For leaving me that hilarious picture on my desktop and for owning the makeshift dance floor with me all summer


Nature – For continually reminding me that no matter how much I rag on you and say that I’m not an outdoorsy person, you are beautiful and worth appreciating


Miss Hansen – For True Blood Snuggle Time and for reminding me of things I know to be true over and over again


Karly’s (again) – For reminding me of what I can and can’t do and how I want to spend my time going forward


Schoolhouse Beach – For soothing me when I needed soothing and tanning me when I desperately needed tanning


Family dinner – For reminding me that I do like to cook (and eat)


My beautiful cousins – For showing so much love and understanding and for being so weird and awesome.

(Photo cred to TMLJ on this one)


The Yellow House & it’s occupants – For being a sanctuary and a comfort to me always


Uncle Tim & Aunt Lois – For being yourselves, there’s no other way to say it and I love you for it


This Bundt pan – For helping me to start baking & feeling like myself again.

There are so many other people that I need to thank that I don’t have photographic representations for so this will have to suffice – you know who you are and I love you for everything you’ve done for me throughout the years.  Every show of support, every text, every call, every email, every visit – I appreciate it all so much. Thank you x infinity.

11 thoughts on “Thank you

  1. So very, very happy to hear you are back. Have missed you and was worried. Bekah’s is just not the same. Welcome back, and looking forward to more wonderful posts! Hugs, Cathy

  2. Happy to see you are back in the blogging saddle. That was a beautiful post, this family will always be there when you need them. I look forward to more of your blogs and their deliciousness, they make me hungry when I didn’t even know I was. Love you!

  3. I love you the MOST! It’s no surprise to me to see how many people were in your protective web this summer. You GIVE such an outpouring of love to all the people you care about, so in a time when you needed us, it was easy to give back to you. Keep baking, keep posting, keep following your heart of hearts! Love you!

  4. Hi Maggie: I was so happy to read your post and to hear how you are doing. I have missed you and have been sending love your way. Keep writing and continue surrounding yourself with whoever or whatever gives you strength and joy. You are loved by many including me. Keep in touch.

  5. Hi, Maggie! I was glad to get your post. I have had you in my thoughts and prayers the past months. Have you moved to Madison? I hope things go well, and the path is smooth, no detours. Barb

  6. WE are the blessed ones, my darling. I am so proud of you! You make my spirit soar… I love the pictures…I love the sentiments…life is good because we have each other, always ….and oh my gosh, the peas and pasta, right! thanks for the recipe! We had a good summer, dear girl. Now go make that caramelized onions dip so we can love on that again! Saving your tequila….skers

  7. Wonderful post, dear Maggie. I miss your beautiful smile and cool jewelry! Hope all is going well for you in Madison and your beautiful new living space. Sending you warm Christmas greetings and hope to read more on your blog soon. Just always remember how much we all love you. Hugs, Julie

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